why was the old woman angry? fig pudding.

What did the man with leprosy say to the prostitute? Keep the tip

Why can't stars marry? Because they are masses of incandescent gas and thus have no feelings.

A Mormon bishop, a Jewish Rabbi, and a Moslem Imam all died on the same day. They went to hell because they thought their good works would save them.

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? He was dead......

what is worse than finding a dead worm in an apple? Obama being elected a second time

How many monkeys can play COD at once? It depends on how many controllers you have.

What's the difference between slavery and the Holocaust? Slavery happened.

how did the thirteen year old girl get pregnant? she was raped.

A kid goes to the doctor and orders a salad. The doctor replies, "This is a smoking-free environment". The kid puts out his cigar and goes to Olive Garden to get his physical.

Why didn't Erick have a party last week? Because his grandma died

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How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?.....Why the **** do you care?

Jesse ziggenfat hates his life. He's really obese. Just like his mom...and his sister...and his brother.....and his dad.... And his dog? Bacon?

Asians are ugly and they look they have down syndrome.

An illegal Mexican immargrant was deported for the selling an use of marijuana. the sad part is this happens everyday

That's unfortunate.

What did the bat say to the human? Nothing because bats make too high of frequency noises for humans to understand

Knock knock. Who's there? Hi. Hi Who? Hi who?! Hi Ho Hi HO. Its off to work we go!! umm.

Hey, I want to because you are really sweet and deserve it, and damn you are hot, but thats secondary in your case, in every case actually, otherwise I would just be doing it with meat whose soul and thoughts I hate/dislike/detest/etc, and that is not who I am. Once huh? I mean I said night/day/shower/breakfast table... Not so sure I can last for that long with a girl as hot and sweet as you for that long. Kidding, hey, best friend huh? Wow, I mean that`s really sweet, and you are really a special friend to me, but uh, to be honest, best friend? I barely know you... I hate this part of myself, I am blunt with that honesty thing, I may just have insulted you, but you know, I also need to be able to live with myself If I am going to enjoy life.

A kid walked into a bar, but was kicked out immediately as state law mandates you must be 21 to be withing 12 feet of an operable bar.

Have you heard the one about the drunk cleaning lady? I haven't either but I bet it is good. That is a pretty good premise for a joke.

*Knock* *Knock* Who's there? The IRS

Will you marry me?

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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