wat did the candle say to the lighter? nothing candles cant speak because they are inamimate objects, even so i think a candle would just scream anyway, would you buy a screaming candle?

What's the difference between a black guy and a picnic table? Many things, really. Beginning with simple structural features such as the number of legs, of which there happen to be four on a generic picnic table, and two on a human being. One might observe that a typical african american male is between 5'8" and 6'2" in total length, whereas a picnic table, being made to support 6-8 people will generally be slightly longer. A black guy will generally be pictured standing upright. A picnic table is usually horizontally laid out upon a flat surface. The former is living or dead, the latter is usually nonliving, processed wood or metal. The former may move about from day to day of its own accord, the latter is completely stationary, and indeed very difficult to relocate, etc.

Canada's army

how does a zookeeper build a snowman. same as everyone else

What happened to the Jew when he heard about the concentration camps being erected all over Germany? Nothing immediately. Then he and his family went into hiding where they were later discovered, taken to concentration camps and died along with millions of other Jews.

Your mum so fat, she died of a heart attack

Ever heard about the gray pipes that ran along the walls? Those pipes transmit gas. Gas killed the jews. You sick fucker.

What is worse than 50 dead babies stapled to trees? One baby stapled to 50 trees. What is worse than one baby stapled to 50 trees? One tree stapled to 50 babies.

who has no significant other or personal life? who ever is on anti-joke.com

what did the right wing jew say after he was arrested for murder? bt we went through the holocust

How did the kid drop his ice he got hit by a train Griffin Cholette

Why do mexicans jump the gate Because theres a sale at chipotle

What's worse than the front page of anti-joke.com? The 4945th page of anti-joke.com, as those jokes have been rated poorly by other users.

knock knock who's there? a murder who? a murder who kills you and your family.

Is it a sin to love math? Cos I don't. I'm radical about it.

What is worse than a paper cut? two paper cuts What is worse than two paper cuts The Holocaust What is worse than The Holocaust Three paper cuts

What do you call three black men in a car? One driver, and two passengers.

ruddell and dodds anal


Ask me if I´m an orange. Are you an orange? No I? a person.

knock knock. Who's there? Jehovah's witness. *Door Locks*

i am a duck. are you a duck. yes i am a duck.

In Soviet Russia, you shit on bird.

Why did the mother have a club in her hands covered with red liquid? She spilled her bloody murry while playing golf.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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