Q: How do you measure a ruler A: You don't.

The graduate with a Science degree asks, "Why does it work?" The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, "How does it work?" The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?" The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"

Why did the boy drop his ice-cream? He was shot in the back, knifed in the face, kicked in the groin, poo'd on by an alpaka, had frogs stapled to his face, his hair burnt off, pushed off a cliff, eaten by a scorpian, lost his arms legs and eyeballs, squashed by a hippo, ran over by a buss, truck and cement mixer, had cement poured on his frogs (that were stapled to his face), became morbidly obese, was raped by a chicken, was served as sauce at an italian resturant, was done by his mother's father's grandson, broke both of his detatched legs, crashed his car, went into a time machine and was crushed by a stegosaurous, had a lemon squesed in his detatched eyes, got high on cokeawana, was crushed to death by a garbage disposer and was rejected by the hobo at the shelter? no, actually, he tripped

How does a black man put puzzles together? First, he locates the four corners. Next, he begins filling in the sides. Finally, he uses the picture on the box to fill in the center. It can be a very tedious process if he is not paying attention.

Why was Timmy sad? While helping his dad hang Christmas light, he got tangled up in them and fell down. While falling he grabbed a wire, which caused a spark. This spark lit the house on fire. Since he broke most of the bones in his body from falling he could not run away. The house proceeded to collapse an poor Timmy seriously injuring and hideously disfiguring him. By the time the ambulance got there, Timmy was the only survivor for his parents died of smoke inhalation. Since he had no other living relatives he was forced to live in an orphanage for the rest of his childhood. That is why Timmy is sad.

I went to the opticians to get my eyes checked. The optician said "you need glasses".

What kind of dance does an alien do? None, aliens aren't real.

whats black and white and red all over????? a zebra who got shot

What did Timmy's mom think of his art project? Nothing, she screamed and called an ambulance because she saw that he had tripped and fallin onto a pair of scissors and they just so happened to peirce his heart.

Why do new moms put "BABY ON BOARD" stickers on the backs of their cars? No reason. Hitting someone's car baby inside or not is against the law and very dangerous for passengers of any age.

Q. What do you call a headless boy in a river A. A headless boy, in a river.

Q. what is black ans white and red all over A. a shot to death zebra

Knock knock. Who's there? Cook Pu. Ok then. Kelvin Yang.

How much wood could the woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A relatively small amount compared to the amount of trees in the world.

Why did the man wear a mask He had low self-esteem, and was ashamed of his facial appearance

Why does Frank hate Jim? He killed his son.

your mommas so stupid she tried to climb mountain dew well im glad your mom is intrested in trying new things

how do women get from the kitchen to the bedroom? they walk there.

A: why did the kid run out of lead B: because his dad broke into his house raped his wife and stoll everything he owned

Nicolas Cage

What did the fat man say to the other far man Hey your fat

Why did the black man eat lucky charms? Because it was breakfast time and he was hungry.

do want to hear a joke? Women's rights

What did the Mexican say to the Pirate? Can I have a pound for my bus, pal?

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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