What's worse than the Holocaust? • • • Stubbing your toe.

Why didn't the blind girl go to the party? She wasn't invited!

Why does Frank hate Jim? He killed his son.

whats black and white and red all over????? a zebra who got shot

Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your mum is dead, Just fucking with you! Kelvin Yang.

What's the diffence between a pieace of fried chicken and a Jew? A Jew wouldnt scream in a fryer.

What did Timmy's mom think of his art project? Nothing, she screamed and called an ambulance because she saw that he had tripped and fallin onto a pair of scissors and they just so happened to peirce his heart.

A man walks into a bar He drinks the night away with his friends *Plot Twist* It was a dream He has no friends.

Three men stumble upon an ancient lamp in the desert. They sell it to a museum and split the profits evenly.

Why do new moms put "BABY ON BOARD" stickers on the backs of their cars? No reason. Hitting someone's car baby inside or not is against the law and very dangerous for passengers of any age.

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? A worm in your intestinal tract.

What's Green And Has Wheels? Grass, I Was Just Kidding About The Wheels.

Where can you find elephants? That depends on where you leave them.

Why are plants green? Plants are green due to the chloroplast organelles found in their cells. These membrane bound organelles are exclusive to plant cells and are used to convert sun light to usable chemical energy. This energy is stored in the form of ATP molecules, or adenosine triphosphate. When one of the three phosphate groups of an ATP molecule is removed, the molecule releases the energy put into this bond and becomes ADP, or adenosine diphosphate. Throughout this process, the organelle fulfills its sole function and at the same time gives plants their green color our eyes perceive today.

what do you call a monkey? a monkey

What's worse than a work in your apple? The Holocaust. What's worse than the Holocaust? Seeing the same joke repeated thousands of times on anti-joke.com.

What do you call a person who hammers a nail into his forehead? A dumbass.

there was a lesbian, a bi-sexual and a homosexual at a wine bar having a drink.......They had a great night

What do you call a person with cancer A hospital patient, what did you expect? Oh. Of course you expected Chewbacca.

Whats worse than a baby stapled to a tree? Holocaust

Why is six afraid of seven? Six isn't actually afraid of seven. It is true that seven devoured nine's carcass, but one has to understand that cannibalism is not a taboo in their culture. In the world of cardinal numbers, protein is precious and leaving corpses to rot is dangerously unsanitary. You should not judge them by the standards of human society. It's ignorant and offensive.

Why was the baby crying? He had just witnessed his parent gets brutally murdered.

Hey I just met you and this is crazy, but Im on bath salts, and you're face looks tasty;)

There was once a really smart Hufflepuff.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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