What do you call a Jew reading a book in the library? Steve Goldberg. .

Why are Asians yellow? Because that is their natural skin color

A fish walked into a bar. Actually it didn't, since fish can't walk.

What do gamer see in his nightmare? a peasant build 4 houses and gets stuck between them.

A group of young men walks into a bar. They drink some booze, laugh, have a great time and then go home to sleep.

So a blonde walks into a wall...

Why did the butcher have blood on his hands? He murdered his daughter.

Roses are red, lemons are sour, open your legs and give me an hour.

Knock Knock........wait there cars gone, I'll come back later

Roses are red, violets blue, um... that's all i got.

A dyslexic walks into church and asks the priest. "Father is there a dog."

Chuck Norris was in a staring contest with the sun. He's blind now.

A. What is the difference between a pizza and a Jew: B. Pizza's don't scream when you put them into a oven.

What do you get when you cross 3 men and a chainsaw? Answer: 2 and a half men

Why was Helen Keller a bad driver? Because it is very difficult for someone with a vision impairment to operate a vehicle.

why was 6 afraid of 7? 6 was a pussy.

So your a murder, and you show everyone your knife. what do you do, easy just chat with them.

So there is this moose and he goes to a grocery store and asks, "where are the potatoes?" the employee says "aisle 5" and when the moose checks in aisle five, there are no potatoes.

Why did the blonde flunk out of school? Because she was a fucking idiot.

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says "Why the long face?" The horse says "I have Cancer."

Knock knock. Who is their? Grammar. Grammar who? Of course you don't know.

Two muffins are sitting in an oven. The first one turns to the second, and says nothing, because muffins can't talk. They then both die because the temperature in the oven was 370 degrees.

Five Mexicans were driving down the motorway in a Ford. Must've been a Fiesta.

Tom: Did you here about the blond who went to college? Mike: No. Tom: Well I heard she's leading a very successful life.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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