knock knock! who is there? its knock! knock who??? knock knock... who is there.... i told you its knock... knock who??? knock knock... WHO IS THERE!! OMG I TOLD YOU ITS KNOCK! KNOCK WHO!! WHO IS KNOCK! KNOCK KNOCK OMG WTF! HOLY SHIT WHO IS THERE! ITS KNOCK WE HAVE KNOWN EACH OTHER OUR WHOLE LIVES! KNOCK WHO?? KNOCK KNOCK WHY DONT YOU REMEMBER ME! oh knock knock from next door! who is there???? jk.. knock...knock......omg put down the gun knock knock stop i love you knock its not worth it!! NO KNOC!!! GUNSHOT* KNOCK NOOOOO!!! I LOVED YOU SOMEONE CALL 911!! OMG KNOCK WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH KNOCK WHY!!!!

A blind Man walks into a Bar. A young man quickly runs over to him and helps him up.

what did batman say to robin? get in the car

why was the boy mad? He had a lot of homework that evening

OK, so there's this blonde driving down the road in her brand new, candy-apple red, $125,000 Lamborghini. She's cruising at about 95, radio blaring, having a great time. She comes up on this trucker who is carrying a double-wide home and is taking up both lanes. To her disliking, he is only going about 45. To get the point across that she wants to get past, she decides to tailgate him. So, she gets to within a foot of his rear bumper. The trucker looks back and sees her on his ass, and motions for her to get off of it, but to her it looks like a wave and she waves back. Since her first attempt was futile, she decided to get a little closer and begin flashing her headlights, hopefully making herself more visible in the process. Once again the trucker sees her on his ass, and this time motions for her to pull over to the side of the road. The trucker steps out of his vehicle with a chunk of chalk and draws a circle three feet in diameter in the middle of the road. He instructs her not to move until he tells her to. Naive as she was, she agrees to it and steps inside it. The trucker goes back to his truck and pulls out a 50-ounce Louisville Slugger. He walks over to the Lamborghini and beats it, and beats it, and beats it again. When he is done, all that is left is a brand new, candy-apple red, $125,000 pile of metal. Satisfied, he throws the bat in his truck and walks over to the blonde. When he gets there, to his astonishment, the cops were waiting. He was found guilty in court and forced to pay the blonde a settlement of $250, 000.

What do you get when you combine a cat and a dog? A Cog

Ashton Kutcher meets a fine cougar at a bar and the cougar fatally wounded his throat.

Why did the man fall off his bike? Because he wasn't on a bike.

What did the zero say to the eight? I don't know,numbers are inanimate objects so they can't talk.God, what did you think?

If you had 4 oranges in one hand and 7 oranges in the other, what would you have? Really big hands.

Why did the clown go to the doctor? Because he had a malignant tumor on his liver.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To run away from a fat emo girl with a knife

What happens when an alien goes out in the rain It gets wet

The last joke I tried to submit used "trolololol" as the enter code thing and I spelled it without the extra "lol" The lolz have got me again *this time it asked me for "basket case"

What's gayer than Justin Beiber? The guy getting a blowjob from him! Kelvin Yang.

How do you stop birds from building nests in your grill? You turn the grill on

a gay man walks into a bar. he is promptly escorted out for trying to seduce men.

Knock Knock Whos there? Jason Oh, ok come in.

Ask me if I am a Truck Are You a Truck No

what's worse than stubbing your toe? 9/11

Why did the cook put rubber bands in the spaghetti Because he was an asshole

I like my coffee like my women. Without a penis.

What do you get when you cross your eyes? A headache.

knock! knock! who's there? the police, your family died in a car crash!

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

Our Updated iOS App!

We've just released huge update to the iOS app! Now, access all your favorite text and photo sites like Anti-Joke, DIYLOL! A few things didn't make the original cut (like comments) but they'll be back soon. Best of all, the app is now FREE! Get it here.

The Anti Joke Book

NEW ANTI-JOKE BOOK!  Now that we've resolved the printing issues with our publisher, check out the BRAND SPANKING NEW Anti-Joke Book!


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