
Roses are red, Violets are blue, What are you doing, I'm ithyphallophobic.

What's long, hard, and contains semen? A submarine.

What did the Catholic Priest say to Chris Hanson? Nothing. He attempted to flea, and was quickly taken down by law enforcement. He was then detained and processed and charged with Intent to commit statutory rape with a minor under the age of 14. He's still awaiting trial.

A man walks into a bar, the bartender asks "why the long face?" he replies: "I was walking with my wife and was mauled by a bear"

What do you say to a confused blond? You help her with her conundrum.

I used to work at a chemical plant manufacturing hydrochloric acid. I couldn't handle it. One day a container exploded and I got severe chemical burns on my face. The scarring is awful. It has ruined my life.

What did the boyfriend give his girlfriend for her birthday? A S.T.D

How many 3 legged black Irish catholic obstetricians, walking into a bar, does it take to make a chicken cross the road? Fish!

Justin Bieber walks into a bar. <>

A fat guy, well over 300 lbs, goes to KFC and orders a big bucket of chicken. He gets his bucket of chicken and goes to sit down on a table to eat his chicken. A man walks up to him and asks him "are you going to share any of that chicken?" The man says "no."

A doctor walks out of the delivery room and relieves A nervour father, telling him that his new baby girl has just been born with great health. The father sighs in relief as happyness overwhelms him. With such great news, the doctor chuckles and continues on with the rest of what he had to relay to the father. Your wife died during the delivery.

What did the blade of grass say to the other blade of grass? Nothing, as grass does not have the capability of speaking and does not have a brain, all it has is a complex life system where it feeds off water. If it were to say anything though, it would say, "Hey! We're both blades of grass!"

why did the man stop his bike he was having a heart attack

What's the worst part of being a black Jew? That is a very uncommon combination of race and religion, therefore causing obvious confusion.

Your mom is so fat that she steps on the scale and sees a relatively large number compared to the rest of human society.

Knock-Knock Come in! ...

Roses are red, Violets are blue. I have schizophrenic, and don't have any friends

What do you call a smelly black person? An African american with poor hygiene

What do you call your mother's bipolar brother with three arms? Uncle.

Why did the chicken cross the road? It didn't. It was hit by a car.

your face is kinda funny

What is the difference between 1000 dead babies and a Cadillac? I don't have a Cadillac in my garage.

What's wet and sticky? I don't know, glue or something.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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