All work and no play makes Johnny successful in his field of interest.

Hey hey what did the bald man say to brian moccia? lOL!


what did the hungry Ukrainian man say to his mother? "? ????? ???????? ?????????? ? ????. ?? ? ??????? ? ??????"

What's the best way to eat 20 pancakes in ten minutes? With a fork

What's the difference between a duck? I'm sorry, I was typing too quickly and missed off the end of my sentence. I meant to say "What's the difference between a duck and a goose?" and the answer is that they are entirely different species of waterfowl.

Three men of varying ethnic backgrounds jump off a building and yell different things as they fall to their death. They were all very good friends and neglected to have had a trip sitter watch them take hallucinogenics. The group of school children below the building are traumatized for a good portion of their lives.

Why was the chicken mad? Because he was sick of everyone questioning him even when he crossed the road.

What did one platypus say to the other? Whatever noise platypuses make. I'm not sure. I am sure that they lay eggs though.

2 guys walk into a bar. You'd hink one of them should have seen it. After all, it is a large building.

What's brown and sticky? ...poop....and refried beans

Why was the woman making a sandwhich in the kitchen? She was hungry.

Knock Knock. Who's there? Madame. Madame who? Just kidding it's Steve, but my damn foot's stuck in the door.

Your mama's teeth are so yellow, she decided to invest in a teeth whitening procedure and begin a healthier dental hygiene regimen.

What smells worse than an old women's fart? the rotting carcus of a dead baby

QUESTION: Why do black people do so poorly in school? ANSWER: Some statistics point to genetic disparities in intelligence between races, but others say it is due to more complicated social factors.

How many babies does it take to paint a wall red? Depends on how hard you throw them.

why did the dead baby cross the road? it was stapled to a chicken

We were hooking up and her mom walked in, i stood up, apologized and left

Have you ever seen that clown at walmart that hides from gay people?

What do you call a boy that fell off a ferry? Extremely unlucky, since one of the other passengers noticed and the captain turned the ferry around, threw him a ladder, and pulled him aboard. Also he died of hepatitis because his mother was too poor to afford condoms, so he was born with it.

Hey Tim lets think of a joke

I need somebody to lean on... ...Because one of my legs was amputated after I was blown up on a mine field in afganistan.

Knock knock Who's there? Labrinth Come in

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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