How many jews can get in a Volvo? 5.


What did the man want a car for his birthday? 7.

(insert antijoke here

why did the monkey fall out of the tree? it was dead.

What is the similarety between a car and a banana? Both starts with B

What is marios favorite type of jeans? a brand that he enjoys and feels is comfortable in

how long does it take for a black woman to shit? a couple of minutes.

Oh look, I've found my knife

What runs faster than a nigger with a stolen tv? His brother with the remote

Roses are red Violets are purple I just got raped by a clown

What's red and spins real fast? Not a dead baby in a blender, babies can't fit in there. Unless of course you dismember them. but that's obsurd. . . Kinda

What did the penguins get for Christmas? A hang-glider What did the polar bears get for Christmas? Death, The Holocaust, Global Warming, and all of Steven King's books.

Why did the bear stick his head in the honey comb? He wanted honey.

What the difference between a black man and a pizza? A black man is capable of feeding a family. A pizza is capable of feeding an American.

i love u. so rate me good or i will talk to my lawyer. nothing personal, i just have no arms, legs, or nose and got broken up with by a girlfriend yesterday (and no, she was not fake) Her name was maria. On the bright side, my grandma woke up this morning!

whats worse than finding 30 babies nailed to 30 trees? finding coal in your stocking at christmas.

A muslim checks in at an airport and gets on a plane. He reads a book about knitting, gets off the plane at France and goes back to his job as a librarian.

a Jew had a small nose

Two people on a boat, Pete and Repete. Pete fell off and Repete radioed the Coast Guard, who sadly got there just in time to watch him drown to his death.

What did St. Mary Magdalene tell Pontius Pilate during the crucifixion of Christ? All this chaos is making me CROSS-eyed!

Whats red and cant fly a plane. An apple.

An Irishman walks into a bar. He gets extremely drunk and gets hit by a train.

why do black people like to play basketball steal shoot and run

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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