Why was the boy crying? Because he had previously driven over innocent civilians who were all constipated and had now caused a mild to extremely large shitstorm.

Roses are red, Violets are blue, I have Alzheimer's, Who are you?

A: my name is Joe and i like onion B: ok

What's worse than Christmas alone? Pedophiles.

What worse than a hurt puppy? Two hurt puppies.

A man gets three wishes from a talking banana. His first wish is for a gay lover, his second wish is to have a naked grizzly bear, and his third is to become a professional tennis player. Soon after he got Aids from the Grizzly bear.


So does Blake

How many jews does it take to change a light bulb? None, you don't have to be jewish to change a light bulb

Two guys walk into a bar.

What's worst that cancer? Murder porn

a man was shot.... he died


Why did the chicken loom the road? To unlock the final boss.

How do you kill something thats already dead? You don't. It's dead.

What is the worst party ever? Nazi.

Why do you give a blond a gun You dont

Why did the Jewish cross the road? He didn't he died in Holocaust.

If the red house is made out of red bricks, the yellow house is made out of yellow bricks, and the blue house is made out of blue bricks, what is the greenhouse made of? Ah, I see what you did there. You are expecting me to follow the sequence based on how each house is made out of bricks the same color as their title. However, I am one step ahead of you and I know that the greenhouse is made out of glass panels. But what if it were made out of green glass panels? Then, I suppose, the sequence could continue naturally yet we still have a problem of units - bricks vs. glass. Quite the dilemma we are facing.

David Cameron

identical jokes get different votes.

A mans wife gets pregnant after he has a visectomy... She was artificially inseminated using sperm he froze before the operation

What did the teacher do? He taught.

What do you get when you cross a child and jt Rape

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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