What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend? Homeless

cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer

If roses weren't RED and violets weren't Blue... Walls are still solid objects.

what did the doctor say to another doctor? we are doctors

Did you hear about the guy with seven fingers? You should, because almost everybody has seven fingers.

A kraut walks out of a synagogue with no one dead

What's the difference between a large pizza and a Mexican? A large pizza can feed a family.

How do you stop a black kid from hanging around in your back yard? Hang him in the front yard.

A brunette child with a blond mother is crying. Why? Because his father was just mauled by a Scandinavian dragon.

what is the difference between lizzy and a momma hippo........ lizzy doesnt bathe.

Q.What Did the Little Kid Say To Cancer In The Hospital? A.Nothing. He Died From Cancer 3 Minutes Ago.

Yeah, it makes sense if you think about it, I changed my alias back and forth from Axel Knight, to Axel White, first because Axel White sounded not only as a opposite to Nero, but also because it sounded like something a Nazi leader would call himself, we went renegade and used that in order to draw in and bust a lot of Neo Nazi`s with enough money and bad intentions to make bad stuff happen. But thats another story, I heard about an Axel Knight partaking in Point Zero, had I known you where the leader (I hope you are being honest friend) I would have warned you much sooner, but there was no way for me to know if you where working together... Since you literally where.

I can prove I'm a psychic - this post is going to receive a lot of dislikes.

A white guy a black guy and a mexican are all on a trian. The white guy says "We should all through something off the train that we have too much of in this country." The mexican throws a sombraro of the train and says " We have too many of these in this country." The black guy throws a gun off the train and says "We have too many of these in this country." The white guy pushes the mexican off the train and says "We have too many of these in this country.

An elephant walks into a bar. He nearly levels the entire structure as he forced his way through the front door.

Your mom is so fat she has type 2 diabetes.

COME HERE, POTTER!!!! NOW!!! Instead of agreeing to approach the source of the rather hostile summoning, Potter decided to sit down and eat a healthy vegetarian lunch of sausages and chips.

What's worse than a spilled ice cream cone? 2 spilled ice cream cones. What's worse than 2 spilled ice cream cones? 3 spilled ice cream cones. What's worse than 3 spilled I've cream cones? The Holocaust. What's worse than the Holocaust? 4 spilled ice cream cones.

why am I who i am, and you are who you are? dick spice

Why Did The Black Guy Eat Watermelon? Because he lives in south africa where they are commonly grown and needed a healthy snack.

Lindsay Lohan is often caught flashing her vagina...

What do you say to man with no hands. How do you feel.

Why can't Helen Keller drive a car? She's dead.

Your chicken just went across the road. What does this tell you about the economy?

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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