If Jimmy had 5 apples and his brother had 5 apples then their father would have been married to their mother before they were born.

What is big, blue, and eats rocks? A big blue rock eater.

A girl dropped her pencil while sitting next to her bf... She glanced at his phone while he was texting a message that said "I love you"... The girl jumped up and called him every name she could think of and left the room... The message was to his mother! She didn't listen and left him... He killed himself because she left him... She killed herself because he killed himself... Moral of the story: Don't drop you pencil!

whats worse than being mentally challenged? losing your arms and legs and finding out that you have cancer

what did the tree say to the other tree? Don't leaf me!

one of my friends died of heartburn today :( i cant believe gav is gone


What did Batman say to Superman? Nothing, he killed him with a kryptonite spear.

A guy says to a palm reader "You look like you've seen a ghost. Palm reader replies "You've got cum on your hand."

Person 1: 'Ask me if I'm a tree' Person 2: 'Are you a tree?' Person 1: 'No.'

I walked into an elevator with Ray Rice...

Q: What do you call a Jew in space? A: An astronaut you racist bastard!

What is black, white, and red all over? Rape.

how do you make a blond girl cry? kill her family

What did Facebook say to Twitter, and twitter to blogg ant blogg to youtube? nothing. They cant talk..

So, this joke isn't funny.

Why did the pony go to the Doctor's? It had Horse AIDS.

What happened to truck full of watermelons careening down the hill? After panicking, the driver was able to gain composure, and shifting the truck into a lower gear, was able to deliver the track safely to the side of the road at the bottom of the ill, where he sat down alongside of the road under the shade of an apple tree, sucking on delicious watermelon.

Roses are Red Violets are Blue Walt dies in breaking bad.

What is the difference between a watermelon and a baby? One you can smash with a hammer and the other is just a watermelon.

Why doesn't Michael Jackson sleep with boys anymore? -Because he is dead.

What's the simularity between a eagle and a rock? They both fly, exept for the rock.

how many shit jokes do you need to make before you realize that random does not equal funny? TOO FUCKING MANY

Why do Mexican's wear pointy shoes? Because its part of their culture and is used as a sign of dignity when dancing to tribal music

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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