Why did the Asian eat rice? Because its food

A man walks into a bar and has a wonderful time drinking with his friends, arrives home at a reasonable time and goes to bed.

Knock knock "Steve I have a door bell."

why do black people like basketball? because it envolves running shooting and stealing

What happened the magic tractor? It turned into the feild!

whats the difference between me and callum ? one soul.

Mom now that I am fourteen can I get a bra now? No Harold!

I was having sex with my girlfriend the other night and she called me a pedofile. i told her that was a pretty big word for a 9 year old.

What's better than winning the Special Olympics? Not being mentally retarded.

A man walks around a bar.

Your momma's so fat that when she goes to the beach, she feels self-conscious in front of all the other beach-goers.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Unless it's muscular dystrophy.

When Chuck Norris does a push up, he pushes himself up.

A man walked into a bar...Ouch. He received a minor concussion from the impact of the cement wall of the building and a slight goose egg on his forehead.

why did Stevie Wonder run a stop sign? he was changing his CD's and missed it.

Where did Adolf go as a vacation after the war? Hell

How did the little boy survive war? He respawned at his teams side of the map

Why did the blonde fall down? She got shot in the head.

What do gay horses eat?........ Cheese

Q:Why did the rockstar put rollerskates on his rocking chair? A:Because he wanted people to see him rocking and rolling on it.:)

Why are there so many jokes about people walking into bars? Bars are known as a place most people go to for a social occasion, making them a place that most people can relate with.

Why do black people eat so much fried chicken? Because it's delicious!

Why did the woman leave the kitchen? She had just prepared her breakfast and was late for her full-time job as a firefighter.

Three tomatoes are walking down the street... No wait, they're in my salad.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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