what do you call a muslim flying a plane 911

A guy dared his friend to jump off a bridge for 10 bucks. His friend, fearing for his life did not jump.

Daniel Textor can suck a gooch he's such a F - A - GGGGG!! Let's beat him up at lunch.

Two jews walk into a bar. They drank beer and shot some pool and had a good time.

What is the square root of 69? 8.30662386

Tony Soprano walks into a diner

What is pink and smells like red paint? Pink paint


How many jews do you need to change a lightbulb? -One.

Your mum is so fat, she is likely to do die before my mum.

Argon walks into a bar. The bartender yells, "Get the hell out!" Argon doesn't react.

What made your girlfriend laugh to death? You dropped my pants.

What did the homeless man get for Christmas? Frostbite. He died the following day.

Why did the man put his penis in the baby? Because it's warmer than a watermelon.


What did the chicken say when it finally crossed the road? - nothing, its a chicken

A Jew walks into a bar The bar owner looks at a gang of punks in the back and shouts "YOU! GET OUT!" The Jew leaves the bar.

If life gives you melons. You may be dyslexic.

Why did the girl eat a cookie? Because cookies are good.

Why did andy fall down Because his friend pushed him over

Why are you so stupid? Becuse I spelled because wrong

Why was the bartender's baby crying upstairs? Because it was being raped.

whats the difference between a pair of shoes, and a computer. alot.

Your tell your girlfriend to make you a sandwich, she actually makes one for you.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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