[Insert dumb, last minute anti-joke here]

A black teenager drives an Escalade His father is a prominent lawyer and his mother is a neuroscientist.

what did the judge say to the lawyer during a trial. He said We are all in a court. thus concluding that the judge was retarted.

A Asian man with a boner runs and hits the wall... He beaks his nose.


Why did the chicken cross the road? Probably because this chicken had a mental disability and saw on the news that there was a hospital on the other side of the road that could treat his illness and possibly save his life, allowing him to fulfill his life-long dream of retirement. But knowing that chickens do not possess the brain power capable of understanding the situation that this chicken was in, it had probably gotten lost and just wandered off.

Why did the cat die? To get to the other side

Do you really want to know what i shit? Poo

A thief walks into a bank. He has an account there and withdraws 200 bucks.

Friend: "yo momma is so fat........ Me: My mom is dead

How did the man become sterilized? Blow-dart through the testicle.

Why'd the monkey fall out of the tree? Because he was tired of this joke.

A group of 3 black male friends sit down to have lunch at the basketball court. One black man reaches in his pack and pulls out a watermelon. The second black man reaches in his basket and pulls out some fried chicken and a pan of cornbread. They both look expectantly towards their friend as he opens up his pack. Right as he opens it, however, his cell phone goes off. Upon completing the call, he hangs up and looks at his two friends. "My financial aid got approved, guys!" he exclaims. Both of his friends congratulate him on finally making it to college. They are so proud.

Why did the plane crash? The pilot was a bagel.

haha women's rights.....what a joke.

what's blue and looks like a shirt? a blue shirt

Whats funnier than a anti-joke? 911

I AM YOUR SALVATION! And you are my poopstain

your mums so fat that shes HUGE!!!!

what is red, white, and spins around real fast? a baby in a washing machine

how do you wake up a cat? you break it.

How I Met Your Mother, starring Oedipus Rex

Dad always said that laughter was the best medicine. Maybe that's why he died of tuberculosis.

What did the Unicorn do with the Portal gun? Nothing. Neither of them are real.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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