Why did the chicken kill itself? To get to the other side.

What do you call a black guy in college? A student.

What do you call a blonde on the Moon? That depends on what her name is.

What did the deaf, dumb, blind kid get on his birthday? Cancer.

Q: why can't dinosaurs sing? A: because they're dead!!!

Did you hear about the speed reader on top of the Twin towers? 90 stories 5 seconds.

A one legged long jumper missed the world record by one foot.

What did the blind kid get for Christmas? A collection of braile children's reading books.

What do Micheal Jackson and Niel Armstrong have in common? Armstrong did the earthwalk on the moon and Jackson F#$%ed little boys in the butt.

Why did Suzy's neck hurt? Because it was broken

What's worst than finding a worm in your apple? The Holocaust.

What do you do when your dishwasher isn't working? Beat it senseless, and then tell your wife you need a new one.

Why did child's mom cry when he was born? The child had no head.

Izzy and Zayn Malick got married. Then Zayn asked for a divorce due to their age difference..

Your mams so fat that she has aids... and i gave it to her

What did Osama Bin Laden say to Hitler? Nothing. Hitler died many years ago now and he was in no position of power during Bin Laden's reign of terror due to the fact that he was already dead. Therefore it is impossible that they could have had any sort of conversation. But now Bin Laden is dead as well. HIGH FIVE!!!!!!!

Why did the black man rob a KFC? He was in a very difficult financial situation and was worried his kids would go homeless. After scouting various locations he found the security at a nearby KFC was non-existent.

Baking a cake can be very hard and stressful, just like beating a slut with an axe.

*Knock knock* Who's there? *Silence* (The person knocking is deaf)

Q: What did the teen mom put her newborn daughter up for? A: Adoption

What is Green and taste like an apple? An Apple

Bob fell off his roof.

What is black and gray? This rectangle and this text.

A man walks into a bar. He leaves when he realizes he is supposed to be at a business meeting

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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