What's older than history? Pre-history.

Patient: Hey doc, I think I might have a tumor... Doc: Don't worry, it's all in your head.

So a Jewish Family walks into a German Pizzeria. They were very satisfied with the service and ended up tipping the waiter 20%

Haikus are rigid, Their structure gives them beauty, And if you ignore the structure they kind of don't make sense and are bad.

How many Puerto Ricans does it take to clog the treads of my tank? Eight

How do you make a Trucker cry? Kill his family and chop of his arms.

British Dentistry


why did the black guy win a gold medal in the olympics? hard work, dedication and determanation! what no one else can be bothered to do anymore because of all this new technology and stuff!! get of your arse and do something active. NOW!

Why did Justin Beiber cross the road? He didn't because he is still in the closet!

Why did the man get off the bus? Penis

What does a tree and a human have in common? They both fall if you chop them with an axe.

This is a racist joke but who cares!? What is the difference between a black guy and a bag of shit? The bag I apologize to all my fellow black friends. -Lets go MEts


Your mom walks into a bar.

What's white and hides behind a tree? Shy milk.

A blond was driving her car one day when "Party in the USA" came one the radio. She put her hands up; however, she realized she had to keep control of the car. She put one hand back on the steering wheel and arrived to her destination safely.

what is worse then breaking on arm breaking two arms what is worse then breaking two arms the holocaust what is then the holocaust Obama care.

What did the boy say to the stranger at his door? He said, "i'm not supposed to talk to strangers" and closed the door.

Two computers walk into a bar I forget the rest

A dyslexic Irishman walks out of a bra.

What the best part of having sex with twenty-eight year olds? Theres 20 of them.

what did the angry asian man do after chrashing his car? He died later in the hospital that night from a combination of severe head trauma, internal bleeding, and various fractures.

Q: What do you do if you find your tv floating at night? A: Yell "DROP IT NIGGAH!" Q: What do you do if you find your tv floating in the day time? A: Run away cause your house is haunted.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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