Q: What did the black guy say when he stubbed his toe? A: Ouch.

Whats worse than a bee sting? Two bee stings. Whats worse than two bee stings? The holocaust. Whats worse than the holocaust? Three bee stings

Me: Tell me I'm a fairy. You: You're a fairy. Me: Poof! You're a bag of shit!

How did Hitler like his steaks? He didn't like steaks, he was a vegetarian.

Why did the women leave the kitchen? Because she had been forcibly removed from her place of food preparation by a large angry mob of her neighbours who thought she was a wtitch and were now going to burn at the stake. It is Salem, november 1643.

What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dying infants.

Hey, is that your corvette? No, I thought it was yours.

whats worse than one bee sting... two bee stings whats worse than two bee stings... the holocaust whats worse than the holocaust... three bee stings

A guy walks into a bar and asks a nice looking girl if he can buy her a drink. She promptly rejects the offer.

Why really answer a question when you can just respond, "because you touch yourself." For example, Q: Why did fluffy die? A: Because you touch yourself.

What do you call a cool pig? SPIDER-PIG!!!

Why was Sally a bad driver? Because she rarely signals and never checked her blind spots.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned

what do you call a retarded kid? jack kamstra

Why didn't the boy enjoy his lunch? It was dinner time.

What did the rape victim say to the rapist? "mmfff...mmm.....mmmmm"

What do you call a black man who walks into a jail cell? A hard working and dedicated police officer who was just putting his first offender in jail.

Diana and victoria

Dani Barton is a heart breaking 13 yr old.

What do you call a gay man flying an aeroplane? A pilot.

Two muffins are in an oven. The first muffin says, "Boy it's hot in here." The second says, "It sure is." Both muffins then faint from heat exhaustion and are eaten to death when taken out of the oven And thus tragically, the world would never know of the spectacular talking muffins.

a dyslexic Satan worshiper sold his soul to Santa

What happened to the latino and asian man in math class when they had a test? They both recieved exceptional scores as they both helped each other study the night before.

What do you get when you cross a horse and a pony? A mule

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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