Henry was struck by a train. He was mourned by his parents.

what did the homeless kid get for christmas? nothing he probably doesn't know what christmas is

I walk in to a bar, ask for a beer, get drunk, walk away and.... hmmm.. how could I finish the joke??..

A duck walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender doesn't understand him because he doesn't speak duck and promptly calls animal control to have the duck removed.


What happens when 4 friends throw an egg into oncoming traffic, they hit a fire hydrant!

why did the dog bark at the picture because it was ugly

my grandpa told me "dont let fear rule your life" 2 hours later he got hit by a train.

Q:Whats worse than you touching yourself at night A: The holocaust

You're American when you enter the the bathroom and you're American when you exit the bathroom. What are you while you're inside the bathroom? Using the bathroom.

Last year my wife ran away with my best friend. I really miss him.

why was six afraid of seven? prison changes a person

Why did the man commit suicide? Because all meaning in his life were gone.

I'm a brony. I'm a brony. I'm a brony. Screw this shit, I'm not a brony anymore. I'm a man. I'm a man. Screw this too. I'm dead, not in bed.

Why do black people make the best milkshakes? because they use the finest ingredients

What did the Black man say to the prostitute? Your job makes the risks of getting AIDs and other STDs much higher than the average person's.

Why does the rabbit go in the hole? because that's where it lives.

Your mother is so fat, that she was instructed by her doctor to go on a low carbohydrate, high protein diet to reduce the risk of heart disease later in life.

Why did the camel climb Mount Everest? Actually, he wasn't a camel, he was a very experienced mountain climber. In any case no one really knows why he did it.

Why did the pied piper eat tea half past three? Because the chicken tripped on the way across the street and the fat lady didn't sing.

What did the suicide bomber say to the other suicide bomber? You're da bomb!

Why is the dog in the driver seat? Why is there birds making you filet mignon? Why is your toe blue? I don't know the answer. Go talk to your doctor

Stephen Hawkins walks into a bar...

How do you get a baby to stop crying? Run it over with a lawn mower!

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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The Anti Joke Book

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