^ That's not even funny ^

What's the difference between a watermelon and a baby? I don't hammer the watermon

What happened to the orphan who ate a sandwitch? She got hit by a whale!

What's worse than crying over spilt milk? The Holocaust.

three retards, a Jew, 4 Mexicans, and an Eskimo go to the grocery store. Windex is on sale. The Jew bought artichokes.

Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 6's boss, has been sexually assaulting 6 for years at work, but 6 needs the money too bad to say anything or quit his job.

Why did the deer cross the road? It didn't, the animal species is incapable of having a logical reason to possessing the will to cross a road. ruhtard

Help me I need to know how to cook a human fetus by tomorrow does anyone know any good recipes?

Why did the girl fall off the swing? She had no arms. Why couldn't she get back up? She had no legs.

What is the difference between a woman and a catfish? One is a bottom-feeding scum-sucker and the other is the most common term for adult females of the human race.

What's worse than finding a fly in your soup? Being raped... What's worse than being raped? The Holocaust What's worse than the Holocaust? Finding two flies in your soup

What's the difference between a duck? An orange.

why did the girl moan in pain? she got punched in the face.

why did the white man read the New York Times? because HuffPo is horrible. I mean, it's so so so shitty. it's like a wannabe buzzfeed, which ought to say it all.

You're a country without the "tree". Did you just call me a cunt?

What did the Mexican shoe salesman say to the man? Excuse me, do you whih way to main street?

KKK: Hey i was just comming over here to invite you to a church gathering me and my buddies are having later on tonight, and afterwards we are going to have a big bon-fire to fire up our spirits. Black guy: OK sounds great. White people sure are nice now-a-days.

What sits in the corner of a room and gets smaller and smaller? A baby combing it's hair with a potato peeler.

Whats black and runs really fast? Usain Bolt

Why did the chicken cross the road? To look at the most interesting man in the world.

A very rich man had a daughter whom all of the men in town wanted to marry her for wealth. Except there was one man who wanted to marry her due to his love for her. The father let his daughter marry whomever she wanted from all of the men in town, and she chose a man named Wilson Fremblington who wanted to marry her for wealth, because he was physically fit and overall a friendly man.

There is no "I" in "TEAM" However, there is a "T" an "E" an "A" and an "M"

There once was a man from Nantucket. He decided to sail to Portland. He cast off and was never seen again.

I ran out of anti-jokes. However, here's a cool math puzzle. 492 357 816 Using every number from 1-9, each row added up equals to 15, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. Here's another cool word play TEA URN BAY Words horizontally are Tea, Urn, Bay Words vertically are Tub, Era, Any Words diagonally are Try, Bra

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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