What did the girl with no arms or legs get for Christmas? A bicycle.

Q: What did Santa give the little boy for Christmas? A: Nothing, he's not real

Which came first the chicken or the egg? The egg because if a chicken came first then that means chickens magically appeared. Eggs however may change over time through evolution by a common ancestor because after millions of years of hatching, it slowly mutated by natural selection and became to what is now known as the domestic chicken. (Applause)

Q: How did the blonde commit suicide? A: She shot herself in the head.

my aunt Always used to say"go with the flow" she died in a kayak accident last Sunday

what makes white men feel embarrassed and and ashamed? when they find out their girllfriend has been sleeping with a black man.

Q: Why was the man hit by the train? A: He was tied to the rail road tracks...

Knock Knock Whos there? The IRS *locking noise*

how do you own a ginger? you don't nobody wants them.

Q: What has 1 eye and half of a pig's snout? A: A pig peeking around a corner.

why did the chicken cross the road? To prove to the possum it can be done.

Your mother smells so bad that people make comments about it behind her back, and one person mailed her some soap.

so a guy walks into the bar...i forget the rest of the jokes but your mother is a whore.

Two men walk into a bar. And they enjoy a good night of drinking beer and playing pinball.

Why, if you are blending a baby, should you put it in feet first? So you can look in to it's eyes when masturbating.

Why did the chicken cross the road? The cognitive capacity of the chicken is significantly underdeveloped in comparison to humans; thus, comprehending a chicken's motives is impossible. Furthermore, interspecies communication is largely understudied - a mysterious division of science that may never be fully revealed. Therefore, one could safely theorize that no single human could breach this gap in communication differences (assuming chickens do, in fact, communicate) and in turn, could not understand the chicken's reasoning behind its choice to cross the road (excluding the possibility of psychic connections between chickens and humans [see 'Dog Whisperer' for a more clear explanation on interspecial psychic relations]) That being said, the only scientific and logical way one could understand the aforementioned question is through observation. For example, perhaps food was located on the other side of the road. However, this seems to pose a plethora of other questions: Why was the chicken near a road and not in a coop stocked with adequate food? Was this a wild chicken? Are there wild chickens? Do wild chickens often cross roads? Are wild chickens dangerous? If so, why hasn't there been warnings about dangerous, wild chickens crossing roads? The answer to these questions may never be discovered or explained.

A gorilla walks into the DMV to apply for a drivers license. Turns out it was just some guy in a gorilla suit doing a prank. Everybody instantly realized this at the time since gorillas aren't indigenous to the local area. They guy responsible was charged with a small fine for public mischief.

Q: Why isn't Michael Jordan able to jump into space with only 1 leap? A: If that were possible, the supposedly absolute laws of physics would've been irreversibly violated to the full extent that the future of science would be in trouble and the future of some already mentally-unstable people would've been deeply jeopardized to a state that they couldn't naturally recover from.

A man and his wife are walking home from a lovely evening at the movies when suddenly a masked man jumps from the bushes demanding a pad and pen, his mother just got a new phone number and he suffers from short term memory loss.

knock knock who's there? the police you are wanted for 5 counts of 1st degree murder.

Why was the Asian man told to open his eyes? He was sleeping.


If life hands you lemons Take them

Do you know how I know that you're gay? You told me you are gay.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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