
What did the school bully get for his birthday? Beaten by his alcoholic father. Children are a product of their environment and his father's abusive nature towards his son forced the young boy to act out in class giving him the reputation of a bully.

Q: What's brown and sticky? A: A stick.

Asian: what time is it? other person: time for you to open your eyes.

What do you get when you mix a dog and a cow blood everywhere

What's red and smells like blue paint? Red paint

Do you know the joke about the two guys who went to Paris ? Me neither.

Q: What do you call a pakistani that practices medice? A: Doctor


Knock Knock "Who's There?" *No answer* The man proceeds to go on with his life

Your momma's so ugly she adopted you because she had a problem attracting men.

Why did the chiken cross the road. Anwer: because it was being chased by a crazy horny/ kinky redneck.

Q: What do you call an aligator in a vest A: Investigator

Skittles are tasteless. Why? You can't taste the rainbow.

Three men are on a plane*. (*Note, that this is a low-altitude plane, in which they are allowed to open the windows) The stewardess offers the first man refreshments. He asks for an orange. The stewardess agrees, on one condition: that he throws it out the window. Confused, the man complies, and upon receiving his orange, he throws it out the window. The stewardess moves on to the second man, who asks for an apple. The stewardess agrees, on one condition: that he throws it out the window. Also confused, the man complies, and upon receiving his apple, he throws it out the window. Finally, the stewardess moves onto the third man, who asks for a bomb. Without question, the stewardess agrees, on one condition: that he throws it out the window. With no reaction, the man receives the bomb, then throws it out the window. Upon landing, the first man sees a woman crying. With a sympathetic heart, he asks what's the matter. She replies, "I was walking down the street, and an orange came from the sky and hit me in the head." The man brushes the event off as a coincidence. The second man sees another woman crying. Upon asking her what's the matter, she replies, "I was walking down the street, and an apple came from the sky and hit me in the head." The man, confused, apologizes and walks away. The third man sees a woman hysterically laughing. Intrigued, he inquires her jolly. She manages to state through her hysteria, "When me fart, me whole house blow up!"

A: Knock knock. B: Who's there? A: Banana! B: Not you again..(slams door)

A kitten walks into a bar and orders a saucer of milk. Everyone enjoys the novelty of his presence.

What has four wheels and can fly? A flying car What else has four wheels and can fly? Another flying car

What did the duck say to the man? Nothing. Ducks cannot talk.

Why did the deaf man go to the concert? He had recently acquired a brand new hearing aid which meant that he was able to hear much better and decided that he wanted to listen to some music.

What kind of cookies does a pedophile order from the girl scouts? Samoas...pedophiles love coconut.

The meme walks out of the bar.

Why did the Calculus teacher give an Asian student an F on a test? Because he got less than 60% of the answers correct.

A man walked into a bar, he then fell to the ground screaming in pain.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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