What's worse the a bee sting? Two bees stings What's worse the two bee stings? The Holocaust What's worse the. The Holocaust? Three bee stings

What's white and will kill you if it falls from a tree? A refrigerator.

How do you find a true idiot jump in the road when the light is green.

What is more difficult than trying to get blood from a stone? Trying to teach it Japanese in the process. [L]

whats worse than finding a worm in your apple? not having an apple to find a worm im

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? According to the theory of evolution, chickens are descendent's of dinosaurs, meaning that a dinosaur laid an egg, eventually creating a chicken thus meaning that the egg came first.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he’d rather be road kill, than be in the KFC right across the street,inside a kids meal,dead.

2 wales are at the bar one looks at the other and dose a wale call for 5 long minutes and the other one reply's "dude your drunk we got to go"

What did the cat say to the cat? Miau

What's short, ruthless, and asian? Kim Jong Ill

Whats Black and blue My wife after i beat her ass.

How do you make a tissue dance? You really can't, but you could grab it and shake it around so it looks like its dancing.

There was a man sinking in quick sand. He looked in the sky and said, "God, if you spare my life, I'll be a great person and believe in you all my life." He died.

What do you call a person in a morgue? Dead.

Why are you so stupid? Becuse I spelled because wrong

what did chloe say to alexis? you took my phone

hiya im writing this coz im drunk and ktieally slumped over the keyobard i feel relaly sick man and i dunno why i;lm teling you this, coz i should reallyt nbe om nrd ny noe. goodnight antijokers

Your mom is so fat she decided to get out of bed and exercise because she realized her health would become serious and wanted ot do something about it.

What did the lawyer name his daughter? Nothing. The lawyer is sterile and can never have children.

what did the boy with cancer want for christmas? a gun

What do you tell your dad if he constantly gripes about his balls? He's got testicular cancer and he's going to die a horrible painful death.

Where did the taxi driver put his suitcase down? celery

What's more funny than 10 dead babies in the bottom of a trash can? 1 dead baby in the bottom of 10 trash cans...

So an Alex Gedrose walks into a bar, and orders peanut butter and jelly toast on buttermilk with extra Linda on the side.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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