Q: Why did the plain crash? A: Because the pilot was a loaf of bread. By: LV

What white and black and red all over? The wife who refused to report that her husband abused her.

Why is 6 afraid of 7 Because 7 murdered her little sister

Why do black people eat so much fried chicken? Because it's delicious!

Yo mamas so fat, that she brought a spoon to the super bowl!

A white police officer pulled over a black guy on the highway. The cop asked him for license and registration. The black guy had a tail light out, and was very polite and cooperative. The two became close friends, but then one night, the black guy went to the house of the white cop. The black guy brought his wife and daughter over for a dinner party, eating grilled turkey sandwiches with mayonnaise. When the cop's attractive wife asked the black guy if he would like some fresh watermelon from the patch in their back yard, he respectfully declined, for he needed to return to his own home to patiently wait for a business call from one of his employees, who was also a very intelligent and hard working African male. Once home, the black guy turned on his stereo, to listen to some calming country music at an appropriately low level of volume, as his daughter and wife had gone to sleep, for the wife also had work in the morning, at her law firm, and her daughter had a job interview after her day of classes at Dartmouth were out for the day... then Martin Luther King Jr. woke up from his dream, and was soon thereafter assassinated.

You know Hellen Kellers retarded? No shes blind and deaf. Ehhh same thing.

Whats Green and has wheels? Grass, I was kidding about the wheels.

Whats big, ugly, and sucks? Death.

What happened after the man with no arms and legs lost his keys? He called the police.

Knock Knock Who's there I have Alzheimer's I have Alzheimer's who? Knock Knock

Why did brad pay the sexy looking librarian with a big smile on his face? Becouse brad returned his books to late and had to pay a fine for that. The librarian made a joke about the fact that it was a waste of money to return the books late.

You must be Jamaican cause you have long dreadlocks and you are listening to Bob Marley

What do you call a Muslim flying a plane? A pilot.

A hitman and his target walked in the same bar togather what happend? nothing because a hitman has better things to do and the target would lay low.

What happened when your mom closed the blinds? You.

Nickleback walks into a bar..... There isn't a punchline because ruining music isn't funny.

What is 2+2? 4!

If a dyslexic man walks into a bar, check your notes. You told the joke wrong.

So once upon a midnight dreery.... In a galaxy far far away that takes place in the past but resembles a technologically advanced future, an evil sith overlord took an innocent Jedi knight and turned him in a cybernetic killing machine. In the end, he dies

Knock Knock Who's there? Doctor Doctor who Doctor Octagonapus! BLAAAUUUUGGGHHHH

Why did Suzie fall off her swing? She was dead

You wanna hear a JOKE ?!! Justin Bieber has a DlCK !!!

Why did the chicken cross the road?

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