roses are red Jacob's a Jew the holocaust was funny Haha f**k you

A Mormon bishop, a Jewish Rabbi, and a Moslem Imam all died on the same day. They went to hell because they thought their good works would save them.

why was the old woman angry? fig pudding.

A priest, an iman, a rabbi, a bishop and a Dalai Lama walk into a bar. Because they were of different faiths, racial slurs were thrown back and forth until they all left. They spent the rest of the night and most of the following day unhappy.


Asians are ugly and they look they have down syndrome.

What Mary short for? Due to the fact she has no legs, on account of the flesh eating she contracted after a visit to argentina thanks to the make-a-wish foundation. Mary also has cancer

Why did the clown chase the boy? The boy was sad and needed cheering up

how did the thirteen year old girl get pregnant? she was raped.

What did the bat say to the human? Nothing because bats make too high of frequency noises for humans to understand

Why did the man go to the toilet with his brother? Because Mario and Luigi had to go down in it.

whats harder than watching a dog get hit by a bus? my boner..

What's the tallest building in the world? A library cause it has so many stories get it haha.

Why did the girl go over her texting limit? She had a hot boyfriend.

What's worse than losing your job? Getting thrown into the sun.

Knock knock Who's there? Johnny Johnny who? Names don't matter. Now shut up and let me in before I kill your family

This desk is two chromebooks wide. It will be one once I push yours off.

all muslims get the fuck out of britain you fucks

Hey Nerochan, how high is your IQ?

Whats something thats red and swings A baby on a meat hook

Why could the woman not play the game monopoly? Because she did not own the game monopoly

Where does lady gags buy her bran flakes ? Sainsburys

What do you call someone who kills black people? A hero.

knock knock who's there? a murder who? a murder who kills you and your family.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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