I'm gay.

Reed is poopin

How do you make Al Gore cry? Kill his daughter.

How old is the old man? Probably how old he is

Yo momma's so fat she got her own zip code! except she doesn't because zip codes are reserved for much larger areas than that of your mother.

This is my joke. funny

Why was the black man scared to leave his house? Because he saw a load of mutated zombies outside his door trying to kill him. However, he realised that this was not possible and was not scared anymore. He went outside but got hit by a fridge and died...

rebecca is a hard worker

A guy walks up to a girl and says: " hey can I have your number so i can text you later?" she says " no" he says " why ?" she says" guess" He says " look if you don't like me thats okay, " he gets up and walks away, turns out she doesn't have a cell phone, she was gonna give him her house number to call.

Roses are red, Violets are blue, Some poems rhyme, Others dont

Why was the boy crying last night? - a clown raped him

Why did the boy scream? Because his girlfriend poked him in the butthole, which he was not expecting. Thus surprising him.

Roses are red, Violets are blue, Which is rather deceiving, Considering that the name 'violet' should naturally insinuate that the object it is describing is violet as well. Violet as a color is generally a deep shade of purple. Therefore, shouldn't the aforementioned plant, the 'violet', be violet in color as opposed to the blue color that is most widely accepted by the general populous?

What do u get when you mix a young asian woman and a black man? Tiger Woods

Why did jimmy fall of his bike? Because jimmy was a goldfish

CHICKEN it is a chickenly chickeny food we eat WRONG

How do you kill somebody instantly? Make them smell Smelly mcD's socks.

Whats worse than the Holocaust? Stubbing your toe

Q: What do you call a ginger with no soul? A: Common

What's green and goes 100 miles an hour? a green racing car

whats fluffy and pink? -pink fluff whats blue and fluffy? -pink fluff holding its breath.

How do you confuse a person from France? By screaming in english at the sky while pionting at him.

why did the mexican cross the road? to catch its bus on the other side

What's red and smells like cherries Cherries

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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