How do you know if there is a monster under your bed? Monsters are mythical creatures that, even if they were real, would be unlikely to sleep under a child-sized bed.

There once was a man from Nantucket. He lived a long, full life. Outside of Nantucket. But he visited occasionally.

Boy: Knock Knock. Man: Who's there? Boy: Doctor. Man: Doctor Who? Boy: Haha! The man then invites the boy into his home, where he gives him a glass of lemonade laced with Ruphalyn. He then proceeds to take off the boy's clothes and rape him. When the boy awakes, the man starts to fear for the police discovering the boy in his home, so he kills the boy and cuts off his limbs and head, and buries the body parts in a hole in his backyard.

Why did the Chinese family eat a dog? Because they were poor and starving refugees.

My cake is yummy, It's icing is blue. It will always be mine, Come close and I'll punch you. So stay away from it And you will be safe, But if you dont listen, Prepare ice for your face!

Simon says.. Nothing because he is deaf, so therefor he would have to sign it to you.

What is the crunchiest part of a Vegetable? It depends if by Vegetable you mean the food or the disabled human incapable of carrying out simple, daily tasks, in which case this joke would be referring to canibalism.

Three french men are in the car wearing sombreros. They're trying to get to Disney World.

Why was six afraid of seven? Seven was pursuing his dream of becoming the world's best circus clown, which six developed a fear of in a tragic circus accident which occured in his childhood. Therefore, six was afraid of seven.

What does Mr. Newell have? - Diabetes. Mr. Newell has diabetes.

A women was driving along in her brand new, swanky, red ferrari when she spotted a red light in the distance. She stopped steadily, following the rules of the road. All of a sudden a loud bang came from behind her where a young driver had hit her at 50 mph. They both come to an abrupt stop and exited their vehicles. The women says "Idiot, you just hit me!" The boys says "oh don't worry, I have insurance."

Have you seen the 6th sense? Nope, is it good? Yeah Bruce Willis is dead

What's worse than the unwarrented death of six milliion Jews? The death of six million and one Jews

Yo mama so fat when she sat around the hous she sat AROUND the house

What did Justin Bieber say when he lost his tampon? Where's my tampon?

How do you post a Tasmanian devil? Recorded Delivery

Knock Knock Who's there May I come in? May I come in who? . . .What's wrong with you can I come in or not?

Why did Alfa Kurtoo change his name? Just say Alfa Kurtoo fast!

Let them think that you are insane, vulnerable, and they wont bother leaking a lot of shit about you, this "shit info" will remain inaccurate and reveal weaknesses where there is none. I had to draw them away from you, but as soon as he began selling Intel regarding my missing eye, I figure our "not so friends in the unknown" would have eventually begun searching for "The one eyed man" among you. And had they not found one, they might just as likely made it seem as if there was one for the money. None of the thugs sent to attack me nor the "Nero decoys" where professionals, but those behind them sure are, considering that they paid these thugs more than what I make during a year. Gotta go pretty girl, hope we meet again in not so long. Moral: This is all a joke, get over it, Moral has left forever, mission complete.

Q:how do confuse courtney A: give her a beer

What do you call black people working in a field? Farmers.

Knock Knock. Whos there? I am the danger! Danger who? I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!

What do an eagle and a mole have in common? They both fly, except for the mole.

a cop wrote most of these anti-jokes O.o

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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