An Englishman, an Irishman, and a Scotsman walk into a bar. They have a few drinks, then go to a club, where they amuse each other and those around them by completely slurring their words in their already very strong regional accents. Then they get a taxi back to the house of the Englishman as he lives nearest, and stay the night. The next morning, the Scotsman and the Irishmen walk home as they are still hungover and do not wish to risk driving.

How come the black man couldn't be seen on film? He could be seen on film, he's not a vampire.

*Tell your listener to say knock knock* B: Knock knock A: Who's there? B: *awkward silence

Whats worse than the holocaust? Finding your babies head in a microwave

someone called a frog a frog

Why did the chicken cross the road? Well, most likely, the chicken escaped from a near by ranch or farm. Upon escaping, he may have simply wandered in the direction of the road, and hence crossed it. Or, with chickens having great curiosity, may have been attracted to something on the other side of the road and felt the urge to explore. Depending on the demographics of the area in which road was in, the chicken had different chances of being hit by an automobile. That's why.

How do you divide 2574 by 23.5 WIth a calculator

A sheep goes up to to a horse and asks "Does you speak sheep?".The horse replies ''Neigh''.

how do u piss of a polish man? rape his girlfriend

a horse walks in to a bar and the bar tender asks, "why the long face?" The horse doesn't respond because it is a horse and is confused by its surroundings and then gallops out of the bar knocking over a few tables as it makes its escape.

How could they tell Michael Jackson was dead? He showed no vital signs.


What do you call a man with no arms and legs swimming? Drowning.

William came home from school and was very tired. He went to the kitchen and got a chocolate bar. Then he died.

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? Because it was dead

3 men find a genie lamp on the side of a road, The genie grants them each a wish as they surely deserve. The first man asks for a jet and the genie glady grants him this and the man starts to fly away. The second man says to make a wall around asia and the genie complies. The third man thinks for a minute and finally says fill it with water and as a genie the genie cannot refuse. They all drowned seeing how the jet had no fuel. The genie goes back to sleep and is picked up by an alien 5,000 years in the future, the Earth is destroyed in 7012(as if we didnt already destroy it). The genie survives and currently resides on uranus.

im gay because im gay

Knock Knock Who's There? I am. I am who? I think someone has contracted amnesia.

a little boy told his friend he failed a test.. the friend replied that his parents r goin to kill him... to save himself the suffering ...the boy hung himself in his closet

Oh look, I've found my knife

Whats 1+1? Well,According to John Willemain's Business Analysis: Problem Solving Using Calculus and Finite Mathematics it's 2.

Knock, Knock. Come in.

these jokes are terrible, even for anti-jokes

Your moma's so fat, she's got type 2 diabetes

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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The Anti Joke Book

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