What did Jamie get for Christmas? Nothing. Jamie is not friends with Christmas.

a white man, an asian man, and a mexican man are on a plane and they realize how inefficient the airline was in filling the flight, seeing as there were only three men on board.

these guys im about to shoot owen,john,henry,shawn

Did you hear about the blind man who got stuck by a bus? Poor guy never saw it coming.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Well I'll tell you. He was happily gliding down the sidewalk when he realized that his destination was across the road. He then proceeds to take In his surroundings . He finds that there is no indication telling him to stop so he then cautiously walks across the road watching for any dangerous movement. He safely makes it across and proceeds to his destination which is the slaughtering house. He is a retarded chicken

Kids, your mother and I thought we should tell you this now... You know our dog sparky? Well he... was actually Osama bin Laden and is now dead!

I'm black and I will beat your children. (This is not an anti-joke)

Q: Why did the wihte man buy a burger? A: cuz he was hungry

Three men walk in to a bar, One ducked

What did God say when he made the first black person? I have just added a significant element of diversity to the human species. Intolerance between ethnicities will surely prove to be an obstacle in societal progression, creating hardships for many. I know this because I am God.

Why does Santa Claus drink so much hot Cocoa? Because Mrs. Claus got tired of his constant drunkenness and won't allow beer in the house in the house anymore.

Wanna hear a joke??... No...... oh ok :(

What do you call four black people in a car? A family road trip.

What did the vegetarian order for lunch? A dead baby.

Why did the boy trip over the garden gnome? He didn't trip. He died of a burst artery.

roses are blue violets red im color blind vatalk is gay

There's two sausages in a pan.. One says "Wow it's hot in here" The other says... "agrhhh a talking sausage"

What were the muslims doing on the plane? Probably going somewhere that was too far to walk or drive.... just like everyone else on the plane.

what is red, white, and spins around real fast? a baby in a washing machine

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs, floating in the ocean? A victim of the increasingly violent Mexican drug cartels.

Why did the african kid die He was mauled by a tiger in a zoo

What did the man say to g**guy we are both g**

Knock knock. The door was not answered because, rather than rapping upon the door with his knuckles twice consecutively, Joseph simply said the onomatopoeia verbs vocally. He intended to wish his neighbor and dear friend of twenty years the best of luck with his current situation, as his neighbor had been recently divorced from a marriage of forty-eight years. Joseph then walked home, because intruding upon his friend's privacy would have befuddled him even further.

How many dead babies can you fit in a trunk? 37.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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