Q: If Hitler spots a jew, what will he do? A: You suck at history dude, Hitler is dead! Moral: What? You did not get the daily news?

Why couldn't Timmy ride his tricycle? He was run over by a bus.

Customer: Can I have a tin of red paint, please? Shop owner: I'm sorry sir, we only have yellow paint left. Customer: That's ok, I have my bike with me.

What do you call someone who kills black people? A hero.

Whats a dwarf running A running dwarf

Blonde hair is the result of having two recessive alleles for hair color in your genotype. There is no correlation between hair color and intelligence.

So a leg, an arm and a head win the Boston marathon. And I'm sitting here masturbating, ...

Knock knock Who's there? Police Police who? You're under arrest, open up or we'll knock your door down

Daddy daddy daddy. What. Will you buy me a porn for my birthday. What! I want porn daddy. Shut up gosh your a 8 year old girl

knock knock who's there? a murder who? a murder who kills you and your family.

Your mom is so fat, that when she went to the doctor, the doctor told her she had Type II Diabetes.

What do you call a really small grape? A grape.

Who can make 50 iPads in 1 hour? An Asian

How many pieces of toast can you eat in 1 year? well, it depends on how many pieces you eat in one day, does it count snacks, or full meals of just toast, can you eat even when your not hungary, if you throw up does it still count? If it is 1 piece a day, it would be 365.

What did the homeless man get for Christmas? Frostbite.

Q: Where does a hooker go for her footlong? A: Subway

Don't you hate it when your reading a sentence and it doesn't end how you testicles.

Why are asians so good at maths? Because their culture exercises a hard work ethic in order for many of them to achieve high ranking jobs in order to support their families

What do Alexander the Great and Kermit the Frog have in common? Their middle name.

What's the difference between a wire fence and a wooden fence? You can't see through a wooden fence

What do you call a black man driving a police car? Officer

What is worse than a paper cut? two paper cuts What is worse than two paper cuts The Holocaust What is worse than The Holocaust Three paper cuts

What's black and makes me food? A microwave.

Cold camel scrotum.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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