Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side

Why from a friends phone? I demand a full explanation, here, you got my number, you got my home address, and who the hell was that crying little bitch on the phone? I got friends in the UK which owe me some money, and nothing to lose, if I have to take care of you before you take care of me and even possibly my wife in the crossfire, I will take you down and everything in my path! Moral: Got ya!.

What do you call the birth of George Lucas? Terrible, abdominal pain for his mother.

One day a man named Tyler put a picture of an Asian in his wallet and proceeded to call himself Asian even though he was of Caucasian. Then a theif pick pocketed his wallet and was confused.

what is the difference beyween football and baseball the superbowl and world series

What is more addictive than World Of Warcraft? Heroin

How did Eric Clapton's son fall to his death? He crawled out the window.

sky's the limit said the tree a.w. j.p.

What's worse than pushing a baby off a cliff?........ Standing at the bottom with a pitchfork....!

What's sadder than a lost puppy? A dead puppy.

Why does bobby have no friends? He's dead.

A deaf man walks into a bar. A few minutes later, cops come in and takes the poor man into the cop car and takes him downtown to the precinct for booking. Meanwhile, back in the bar the deaf man drinks his beer and converses with the bartender in sign language.

When u send someone fudge, u must send a note along with it! Roses are red Violets are blue Fudge is brown Here's some fudge

Why are black people afraid of chainsaws. Because they have razor sharp edges and can slice through flesh very easily, posing a potential threat if possessed by a violent person.

ask me if I'm a tree.. are you a tree? no.


What did the elephant say to the zebra? Nothing, elephants can't talk.

A man walks into a bar, but it's really not his fault because his seeing eye dog led him right into it.

What do you call a girl who can run faster than me? Virgin

Knock Knock Who's there? Hitler... Time to go to Aushcwitz

a potato walks into a bar. people stare as it is physically impossible for a potato to walk since it is a vegetable

How do you put an elephant in a taxi? You open the door, make sure the elephant is seated confortably, and close the door.

When SCUBA diving, why is it important to fall backward off the side of the boat? Because if you fell forward, you would still be in the boat.

What's black and white and red all over and can't turn around in an elevator? A nun with a spear through her back

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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