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why did the chicken cross the road? because the light was green

What type of person does a black guy go to when he's sick? The doctor

what can you give to a millionaire to make him happy? sex

This schoolteacher was taking her first golfing lesson. She scored poorly from her lack of practice and experience and was turned off from the sport.

What did the dog say to the mouse? Cat


What did the black man say when he received cold fried chicken at a restaurant? He very politely asked for it to be warmed up, and exuded nothing but elegance and class.

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roses are blood violets are veins vampires are crazy and you are insane

Why did the litle boy's hat come off? cause he got hit by a train!

Is this the Krusty Krab? No, this is Patrick

What do Jim Carrey, Kim Jing-un and Justin Bieber have in common? A penis.

What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? Actually a lot because a pizza is a pizza andna Jew is a human.

What's the main reason for divorce? Marriage.

what's worse than finding an worm in your apple? Finding HALF a worm in your apple.

what's black, long, and moves around a lot? a van.

Abe Lincoln, George Washington, George Bush and Barack Obama are sitting at a table at a bar. They all realize that none of them know each other, wonder when in time they are, have mental breakdowns, and run screaming into the night.

How do you get a black person to drop chicken? Yell KKK.

a person cries in the corner you go over to them and rape them

Knock Knock Who's there? Kconk Kconk who? Kconk Ohw Oh yeah, sorry mate, didn't recognise your voice! Come on up, I've got some lagers in the fridge.

So a priest, a rabbi, a blonde and a black person walk into a bar. The Bar Tender says, "Is this some kind of joke"

Yo mamma's so fat, she's self-concsious about her weight and is embarassed when people make fun of her weight which makes her escape to her only friend, food, which makes her even fatter, so she will never lose weight until society accepts her and is not so prejudice towards overweight people.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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