Woman, this is serious business, tell me or tell me not, have you ever had me? Moral: I do not PLAY hard to get! I GET HARD TO PLAY!
DOES IT SEEM TO YOU LIKE I WORK ALL NIGHT AND DAY TO PRODUCE EPICURE COMMENTS? Seriously, I am going to bed, if you got some crap comment just to ruin my last comment then go fuck yourself because I wont be fucking you. MORAL: SOME PEOPLE DESERVE MY BEST, THESE PEOPLE DESERVE MY WORST! Anyway... Just so you know, that comment about the hardness of my MANSTICK OF STONEFLESH, IS NOT THE BEST...*gasp*... THAT NERO CAN PRODUCE! *applause*
Sure ;)
WOMAN! WHAT PART OF DO NOT DENY DO YOU NOT COMPRENDE! ESPANOL LO HABLAS! So.. If you reply, then you are the Lord and not I... And I WOULD NEVAR! INTERCERSE WITH A LORD OR A KING! (Maybe a dragking... NOT!)
WHAT? I just restarted the router and gave them another green thumb! How do you think that I became the most pointless invention huh? HUH? Moral: "I shall whippet thy vagina, then we shall see who is pussy-whipped WITH MY MANFLESH! YOU SHALL SCREAMETH NERO! STICK IT IN ME! I SHALL SAYETH NOETH! I SHALL WIPPETH THY PUSSY UNTIL THOU SUBMIT TO MY ROD OF ETERNAL GIGANTITUDE!" Moral 2: "Alone :( Maybe you should you know... :(... Get used to :(... Sleeping alone :(, because unless you blow me off times 666 I shall NEVAH RUN OUT OF DA DARK ENEGY THAT I REQUIRA FOR DOGTA WILEY!" Which translated into INFERIOR LANGUAGE, means that you will have to swallow my mansauce 666 times without failure, or else I shall not sleep over at your place! "But where is doctor wiley?"