"... and you can Hear it in my Accent when I Taaaalk, I'm an Englishman In Mianus....Woooah-Oh, I'm an Alien, I'm a Legal Alien. I'm an Englishman In Mianus..."
For all you astronomy buffs out there, there's an observatory on the top of Mount Hemroyde, which is in Mianus. On a clear night, I can see Uranus from Mianus, as long as there's no full moon.
That's it! I've had it! If you make fun of Mianus one more time, I'll put my foot up Uranus!
When visiting Mianus, go to the Starbucks and say "They hate us cuz they anus".
Well, my friend- you're gonna need some pretty long legs do that. And try not to loose your shoe. I don't think frozen shoes float well on liquid methane.
Mianus Baby - by Vanilla Ice Alright STOP! Collaborate and listen. Ice is Back with a brand new adventure. Something...grabs a Hold of Me Tightly. Feels real warm, Daily and nightly. Will it ever stop? Yo! I don't know. Pull up my pants, and I go! To the extreme I slap a mic with my sandal. Light up the stage, with the help of a candle... Mianus-anus Baby...dum-dum dum du-du-dum-pum Pim-Pam.