Everything is racist!
agreed with previous comment
This is some funny shit! F*c%ing baboons can't ties they air Jordans. All black men are bi sexual also. As long as they can dump their demon semen they don't care. Even age is just a number to them. They rape and molest at an astonishingly high rate. I f%% cking hate dirty niggers!
They are because they were bred to be. Slave owners wanted slaves to be dumb big & strong. Smart slaves were killed, only dumb one are left.
So everyone with a brain is racist.
Research has shown black descent is less intelligent if not DUMB DUMB DUMB
I agree as well. Did a Thesis on this @ College. The Typical Ni**er is stupid, think, benefit bludgeons of society who the majority of them should be a mass euthanasia cull of them