Knock knock. Who's there? Not Sally.
Why didn't Sally hug her father? She had no father (Suppose to be said together)
why didn't sally go to the party? she couldn't open her invitation.
I will headbutt ur dad
Why didn't Sally brush her hair ? Cause she had luchemia.
what was the first thing to go through sallys head when the nazis were at her door? A bullet
where was sally during 9/11? Everywhere.
Sally has no arms Knock Knock Who's there? NOT SALLY
how did sally cross the road? she got hit by a bus to the other side :) LMFAO
Why did Sally drop her icecream? She got hit by a bus.
Why did sally starve to death? She couldnt open the fridge
What did Sally get for her birthday? - a rope
Why did dally steel my jokes? It was the only thing she could steel
What did Sally get for Christmas ? Nobody knows , she couldn't open it
What do you call a person with no arms and no legs? WHAT DID SALLY DO THIS TIME?