one leg is both the same
Two telephone poles because ice cream doesn't have bones.
This is a good joke, but it's not an anti-joke.
My father told me this joke when I was young and I have passed it on to my sons. He also used the phrase Ishkabibble but as a young boy I always thought he was saying Ishkafibble (either I was mis-hearing or he was mis-pronouncing)
"one of its legs are both the same"
I and a college friend made up this nonsense riddle back in 1958 having just discussed the riddle 'Why is a mouse when it spins' answer: ' Because the higher the fewer'. We then decided to make up or own riddle. We came up with:- 'What is the difference between a duck' and our answer was:- 'One of its legs is both the same'
One of its legs is both the same.
One leg is both the same as the other
One has feathers.